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Dengue Fever


Dengue Fever



There are many diseases that effect the human body and cause illness and suffering one of the transmitted disease is Dengue fever disease that is viral infection that been transmitted by mosquitos’ bites from tropical and subtropical areas and climate. The disease can be with no symptoms, mild symptoms high fever with flue symptoms, severe symptoms high grade fever that can cause haemorrhage, and fatal according to human immune system and the viral infection transmitted and most of the people can suffer from fever, headache, body pain, and rashes on the body. The person who got the disease must directly go to the hospital for further treatments.

The causes of Dengue fever:

The disease can be transmitted to the human by mosquitos delivering the any of four types of Dengue viruses and mosquitos bites can cause infection to the human, but if the human get infected with one type can human body build immunity to this type only that there are other three types that can be fatal when infected with these types. The transmitting of the viral infection can be through blood, organ donation, transfusion, and can have risk to transmitted from mother to baby.


The signs and symptoms of Dengue fever:

The dengue fever can cause no symptoms, or mild symptoms that can be get better from one to two weeks and severe symptoms that can cause death.

The symptoms started from 4th to 10th days after getting the bites and can remain for 2 to 7 days that can be high grade fever that can reach 40 °c, headache that is severe, body pains, nausea and vomiting, muscle and joint pain, swollen glands, and rashes. These symptoms can mostly the main symptoms who got the disease.

But if the disease become severe the patient can also suffer from severe abdominal pain, breathing problem, bleeding, fatigue, restlessness, vomit with blood, pale and cold skin, and weakness.

Diagnostic procedure of Dengue fever:

The physician will do full assessment for the patient and request lab investigation Nucleic acid amplification test, serological test, cross-reactive flavivirus, and IgG antibodies testing to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment of Dengue fever:

The treatment of the disease that there is no specific treatment and mostly focus on the management of symptoms like pain by providing paracetamol for pain and fever and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce symptoms this for mild cases but for severe cases hospitalization needed to prevent complication like bleeding that can be life threatening.


Prevention and control of Dengue fever:

The most protection taken is prevent yourself for mosquitos’ bites by wearing clothes covering most of your body, when sleeping put mosquitos net, and put net or close windows, covering and cleaning domestic water, and take vaccination to prevent having disease to be severe.



So, prevention and control are very important because there is no specific treatment for this disease and prevention is better than cure, and if you get the disease directly consult physician for early detection.



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019). Diagnosis | Dengue | CDC. [online] Available at:

Mayo Clinic (2022a). Dengue fever - Symptoms and causes. [online] Mayo Clinic. Available at:

World Health Organization (2023b). Dengue and severe dengue. [online] World Health Organization. Available at:


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