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المجموع : 51 مقال

  • Scarlet feverScarlet fever
     Scarlet fever Introduction: Scarlet fever is type of illness caused by bacterial infection with group of Streptococcus bacteria which cause fever and sore throat and mostly children get the illness aged between 5 to 15. This disease considered life threatening a…

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  • Space Flight and Astronaut’s Well-beingSpace Flight and Astronaut’s Well-being
     Space Flight and Astronaut’s Well-being Introduction: Maintaining optimal physical and mental health is essential for individuals to perform their duties effectively. Astronauts, however, are exposed to unusual environments, which can lead to physical or psychol…

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  • Dengue FeverDengue Fever
     Dengue Fever   Introduction: There are many diseases that effect the human body and cause illness and suffering one of the transmitted disease is Dengue fever disease that is viral infection that been transmitted by mosquitos’ bites from tropical and subt…

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  • Systematic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)Systematic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
     Systematic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Introduction: Autoimmune diseases are increasing nowadays and the factors causing these diseases can be genetic, environmental, hormonal, and lifestyle. One of the autoimmune diseases that badly affects the human body's immu…

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  • Herpes Zoster (shingles)Herpes Zoster (shingles)
     Herpes Zoster (shingles) Introduction: The diseases are increasing nowadays and knowing about them can prevent or minimize the occurrence of the diseases. The disease called herpes zoster (shingles) is a viral infection that appears because of a virus called var…

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  • Is there a relation between autoimmune diseases and ABO blood grouping with rhesus factors?Is there a relation between autoimmune diseases and ABO blood grouping with rhesus factors?
     Is there a relation between autoimmune diseases and ABO blood grouping with rhesus factors?   Introduction: The autoimmune disease causes serious problems and nowadays it's widely increasing among the population. Many people have questions and queries abo…

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  • Return of black death Bubonic plague Return of black death Bubonic plague
     Return of black deathBubonic plague  Introduction: Bubonic plague is a dangerous disease that can affect human organs and cause death. There are three types of plague: bubonic plague, septicemic plague, and pneumonic plague. These plagues appeared according…

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  • Workload stress and how to reduce itWorkload stress and how to reduce it
     Workload stress and how to reduce it   Introduction: Nowadays, stress is increasing because of the high workload. Stress is feeling overwhelmed because of a high workload can lead to anxiety and depression. When the employee struggle with overload work s…

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  • Malaria DiseaseMalaria Disease
     Malaria Disease Introduction: This disease is a life-threatening disease causing acute febrile illness by parasites called Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, P.malariae, and P. knowlesi because of infected mosquitoes that are called Anopheles mosqu…

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