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general health - الصحة العامه

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general health - الصحة العامه
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Bandaging is a procedure that is done for a patient who is accidentally injured. It’s a type of fiber used to cover, dress, and bind wounds. There were many types of bandaging like roller bandages or figure of eight bandaging.

Bandaging is necessary to cover any type of wound, apply pressure to control bleeding, and can support strain or sprain. Each type of injury has a specific type of bandage.


Types of bandages:

There were many types of bandages like; elastic bandages that are used to support strain or sprain and can be used several times and should be applied firmly and the circulation must be checked after applying it. Cotton bandages are used to cover the dressing or before applying the cast to reduce irritation.


        Cotton bandage

        Elastic bandage or

        Crepe bandage

        Safety pin/ tape / bandage clip

The procedure of roller bandages:

        Explain the procedure to the patient and reassure the casualty

        Wash hands and put on gloves

        Put the patient in a comfortable position

        Keep injured part supported while you are working

        Ask a helper or casualty to do that

        Keep the roller part of the bandage ( head) uppermost as you work(the unrolled part is called tai)

        Place the tail of the bandage over and around the outside of the joint

        Pass the bandage over and around to the outside of the joint.

        Make one and a half turns so that the end of the bandage is fixed and the joint is covered

        Make two straight turns with the bandages to anchor the tail in place

        Pass the bandages to the inner side of the limb, just above the joint

        Make a turn around the limb, covering the upper half of the bandages from the first turn

        Continue to bandage diagonally above and below the joint.

        Increase the bandage area by covering about two third of the previous turn each time

        Pass the bandage from the inner side of the upper limb to just below the joint

        Make one diagonal turn below the joint to cover half of the bandage from the first straight turn.

        To finish bandaging the joint make two straight turns around the limb then secure the bandage with tape/ bandage clip/ safety pin.

        Document the procedure in the note

The figure of eight procedure:

        Explain the procedure to the patient and reassure the casualty

        Wash hands and put on gloves

        Put the patient in a comfortable position

        Keep injured parts supported while you are working

        Ask a helper or causality to do that

        Place the tail of the bandage on the inner side of the wrist by the base of the thumb

        Make two straight turns with the bandage to anchor the tail in place

        Working from the inner side of the wrist, passing the bandage diagonally across the back of the hand to the nail of little figures

        Take the bandage under and cross the fingers so that the upper edge touches the base of the nail on the index figures leave the thumb free

        Pass the bandage diagonally across the back of the hand to the outer side of the wrist

        Wrap it diagonally around the wrist and over the hand again as it will be as a figure of eight

        Repeat the sequence of diagonal turns

        Extend the bandage by covering about two third of the bandage from the previous turn each time

        To finish bandaging the joint make two straight turns around the limb then  secure the bandage with tape/ safety pin

        As soon as you have finished, check the circulation beyond the bandage

  • If necessary, unroll the bandage until the blood supply returns, and reapply it more loosely

Document the procedure in notes 

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health and safer population


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