Be careful with the silent killer
There are many diseases that can cause a human being
to suffer or dead silently. The person must understand this disease to prevent
sudden death or complications. There were diseases that can cause sequences of
other diseases so prevention is better than cures. According to the high number
of sudden deaths, the first can be considered as heart attack, and sleep apnea.
Heart attack:
Heart attacks can happen suddenly to any person while
sleeping, walking, setting, or even when talking. The cause that the person can
get a heart attack is that the blood flow is reduced to the heart because of
occlusion by cholesterol this can cause a reduction or lack of the blood flow
to the heart that reduces oxygen to the heart muscles. This is also called
myocardial infarction, this situation must go to the emergency directly to
prevent the death of cells and the death of the person.
The symptoms of heart attack:
The common symptoms the person may feel during heart attacks or
sometimes the person will not feel suddenly can be collapsed and have heart
arrest. The symptoms are:
1) Severe chest pain in the center
of the chest with severe tightens of the chest.
2) The pain can be radiated
to the shoulders, arms, jaw, and back
3) The person can feel cold sweats
and cold extremities because of a lack of oxygen.
4) The person can feel fatigued
and have breathing difficulty this can cause the person to be dizzy or feel a light
The person must understand the early signs or feelings of any
chest discomfort or shortness of breath and must consult a doctor
Sleep apnea:
Sleep apnea
problem is a type of disorder that the person can breathe loudly and after that
stop breathing suddenly while sleeping.
condition can be a serious problem and cause sudden death.
There are
many types of sleep apnea:
1- Obstructive sleep apnea that the
throat muscles relax and block the airflow to the lungs causing a decrease in
2- Central sleep apnea that a problem
with the brain signals for breathing control.
These types
can be dangerous and life-threatening if not treated properly.
Signs and symptoms of sleep apnea:
The sign and
symptoms of sleep apnea can vary between types but there are some common signs
and symptoms for both types that are:
1- The person can loudly snore because of the difficulty
of the air entry cause also gasping for the air needed
2- The person can suddenly stop breathing during sleeping
cause decrease oxygenation in the body.
3- The person can suddenly wake in the night-time with a
dry mouth, headache, and irritability.
The person can have insomnia and fear of sleep because
of this situation.
5- The person will have difficulty paying attention
during the day and can feel sleepy during the day.
problems (heart attack and sleep apnea) can effect negatively on the person who
suffers from these diseases and can affect his daily activities, so immediately
if the person has some of the signs and symptoms must immediately consult a doctor
to get proper treatments.