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general health - الصحة العامه

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general health - الصحة العامه
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Prevention of infection


Prevention of infection


Prevention of infection is very important to our health, this can help in living a healthy life without becoming sick or ill. In the beginning, we must know what infection is and how it can cause illness to the human body, so the person can protect himself from getting an infection. As people say Prevention is better than cure.

What is infection?

Infection is the germ or microorganism that invades our body and enters to it from any passage like the mouth, nose, ear, eyes, wound …… etc and causes the body to be sick and can spread all over the body . The infectious microorganisms can be a virus, bacteria, protozoa, yeast ……etc.

The chain of infection: 

chain of infection

As shown in the picture the chain of infection is rotated from the agent which can be any microorganism, this germ can live in anything like humans, animals, food …etc. later on, from the infected person or animal, the germ will go out by coughing, sneezing, eating…etc, this cause to move the germ in the air or on objects that can cause infection to another person. And next can infect other people. This chain can be rotated and cause infection to all populations but if you break the chain the infection can be stopped from spreading by many ways.

Signs and symptoms of infection:

The person who got an infection can suffer from:

  • 1-     High-grade fever can reach to 40° c
  • 2-     Headache that can’t be tolerated
  • 3-     All body pain including the joints and muscles
  • 4-     The infection can cause nausea and vomiting and abdominal pain
  • 5-     Problems in the liver, heart, lungs, and other vital organs in the body

Prevention of infection:

The infection can be prevented by the following:

        Frequently hand washing and hygiene

        Know and use Cough etiquette

        Keeping Body clean and hygienic

        Keep mouth and teeth clean and hygienic

        Getting proper sleep and rest

        Doing exercise and keep moving

        Eating a healthy diet

When we can do hand washing?

Washing hands is very important to prevent the spread of infection. There were times the person must wash his hands these times were:  

  • When preparing food to wash your hands before preparing, during preparing, and after preparing the food.
  • If you will eat food you must wash your hands before and after eating.
  • If you have somebody sick at home you must wash your hands frequently especially if the patient vomited or has diarrhea.
  • If the person is having pets or animals at home he must wash his hands after touching them.
  • When going to the toilet the person must wash his hand after finishing the toilet.
  • The mother washes her hand after baby care like a diaper change.
  • If the person sneezes or coughs he must wash his hands after that.
  • If the person is taking garbage he must wash his hands after that.

Hand washing technique:

Washing hand must be under running water for at least 20 seconds or by using sensitization until dry. The procedure of washing hands as follows:

1.     Wet your hand with water and take like table spoone of soap on your hand.

2.     Rub your hand together with soap palm to palm.

3.     Rub your thumb of your both hands.

4.     Rub between the fingers from front and back.

5.     Rub your finger nails with your palms to clean the finger nail of both hands.

6.     Clean your wrist of your hands so all the hands part will be clean.

7.     You must remain cleaning your hand for 20 seconds or you can song happy birthday songs twice.

8.     Rinse your hands with running water.

9.     Use a dry towel to dry your hand and close the water by the tissue.

Why is the prevention of infection Important?

        To remain healthy and mostly free from germs that cause disease and death

        To feel good about yourself and empower yourself

        Help to do your daily activity perfectly and do achievements in your life.

        Interact with others more positively and confidently without any problems.

        Demonstrates that you take care of yourself and value yourself



Getting an infection and becoming ill can cause disturbance in the person’s life and even his social life. Because of that the person must take care of his health and prevent getting the illness by many ways that have been discussed and to be healthy by changing his lifestyle to a healthy lifestyle with proper hygiene and frequent hand washing, this can help the person to have a long and healthy life.

عن الكاتب

health and safer population


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