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general health - الصحة العامه
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Fats (Cholesterol and Triglyceride)





Cholesterol is a type of fat that forms like a waxy liquid that is not

 dissolved in water and circulates in the body with blood. High

 cholesterol levels can cause an accumulation of plaques or fats

 around the blood vessels causing the blood to move hard, this can

 cause the blood that carries oxygen to not reach the vital organs

 which can lead to damage of the vital organs by stroke to the heart

 or brain especially same as a triglyceride.

High levels of cholesterol level only can be identified by doing blood

 tests and there were many types of cholesterol that were healthy and


Fats (cholesterol & triglyceride)

Types of cholesterol:

·       Cholesterol is normally found in the blood vessels and must be

 less than 200 mg/dl if a person has more than this level he must

 consult a doctor.

·       Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is a type of bad cholesterol and

 must be lower than 100 mg/dl. This type of bad cholesterol can

 cause harm to the person.

·       High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is a type of good cholesterol

 and the normal range must be 60 mg/dl or above. This type of

 cholesterol is good for the body and requested to be high to have a

 healthy body.

·       Very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) carries triglycerides also

 harmful to the body and the normal range is between 2 to 30 mg/dl.

·       Triglyceride is a type of harmful fat if more than normal must

 be less than 150 mg/dl.


Signs and symptoms of high triglyceride:


If the person has very high triglyceride he may face these symptoms

 like; chest pain, dizziness, numbness, confusion, blurred vision, and

 severe headache.

These signs and symptoms are the keys to identify the complication

 of high triglyceride levels.


Complications :


Increased cholesterol and triglyceride levels can be because of an

 unhealthy diet, obesity, and some genetic disorders, these can lead to

 diabetes, liver problems, kidney diseases, thyroid problems, heart

 problems, metabolic disorders, and pancreatitis.


The serious complication the person can face is pancreatitis and the

 sign of it are nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, tachycardia,

 and loss of appetite.


Prevention and treatment:

To manage and prevent fat deposition in the arteries and veins

 with maintaining a healthy life the person must exercise daily, eat

 more fruits and vegetables, eat fish regularly because of omega-3,

 maintain a healthy weight, eat a healthy diet, stop smoking, and do

 regular check-ups with your doctor.


Lastly, prevention from any disease is better than cure, so the person

 must regularly check his cholesterol and triglyceride levels to

 prevent any complications that cause his life in danger.


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health and safer population


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