The secrets of a wonderful time during pregnancy
The pregnancy period is a wonderful and joyful time
even if there are some struggles or ups and downs. During this time the mother
and father are enthusiastic and curious to know the baby’s gender and health
The first struggles the mother can face during the
first trimester. The mother can have some symptoms that make her to be tired
and exhausted during this period.
First trimester:
In the first trimester, the mother can face some
struggles and a lot of body changes during this period because of hormonal
changes. Most women could have a healthy pregnancy that not face any problems
during this period of time. The normal symptoms that women can face during the
first trimester are:
1- Nausea and vomiting with morning sickness
2- Heartburn with any food eating
3- Food indigestion and Constipation
4- Pain in the abdomen, back, and vagina
5- Some discharges from the vagina
6- Frequently urination because of the uterus development
and preparation for the baby causes pressure on the bladder
7- Tiredness and fatigue
8- The breast becomes large and tender
9- The mother’s emotions and feeling change
But, there are some complications the women can face
during this period that must seek medical attention immediately that are:
1- If the mother has bleeding from the vagina or
discharges with itching.
2- Nausea and vomiting that is very excessive
3- High-grade fever with some joint pain or abdominal, or
back pain
4- The mother suffers from burning and pain during
5- If the mother
suffers from chronic disease and flare-ups of this chronic disease.
The first trimester is critical sometimes and the
woman can abort the baby so the mother must seek medical attention if feel some
Management of first-trimester symptoms:
The management of the first trimester can be to reduce
the signs and symptoms by:
1- When the woman has nausea and vomiting she can eat
small frequent food portion
2- If the mother feels fatigued she can take rest and
take small naps because of the disturbance in night sleep the mother can feel
fatigued during daytime
3- During this time the mother must relax and understand
her body changes and if the symptoms become harder she must consult the doctor.
Second trimester:
In the second trimester, the pregnancy becomes stable
and the developments of the uterus and breast with hormonal changes developed
and stabilized. In this period the women are:
1- Start to feel
better less tired and fatigued with a reduction or disappearance of morning
2- The mother will gain some weight during this time
because the baby growing up
3- This time the woman can grave some types of food and
some foods don’t like to smell or taste it
4- The pregnant body’s hair and nail change the hair may
become thicker and the nail becomes easily broken because of hormonal changes
the baby take the mother’s vitamins, minerals, calcium, and what the baby needs
to grow up.
5- The mother can feel some anxiety related to the baby
and her health during pregnancy time.
Third trimester:
In the third trimester, the woman will have hormonal,
physical, and psychological changes related to preparation to have the baby so
the woman can have:
1- Feeling tired and not comfortable with worries about
2- Sleep disturbance with frequent urination because of
the uterus pressure on the bladder.
3- Gain weight with some discharges
4- Breast changes and sometimes feel milk discharge from
the breast
5- Pain in the back and abdomen sometimes
6- Breathing problems because of the baby’s pressure on
the lungs
This period is a wonderful and unique period when the
baby will come to life and both mother and father will be under emotional
stress to be safe delivery and good baby health.
This period also is going through stages that physical
changes the mother will face during this period.
Stage 1 is active and early labor:
At this stage, the contraction will sometimes start mild and become harder and irregular. Because of the contraction and
pain, the cervix will start dilating, which helps the baby go out.
During this time the mother will be encouraged to go walking, take a bath, listen to
relaxing music, and do relaxation by breathing.
Stage 2 the baby’s birth:
At this stage, the mother will feel hard and regular
contractions with big dilatation of the cervix and the baby will come out to
the world. This stage will last for a few minutes to a few hours the mother
must push the baby out because of the engagement of the baby’s head with the
cervix and the uterus contraction will help also with the mother’s push to go
the baby out. After the baby heads out, the healthcare professionals will help make the baby out and check his health status with the mother’s health
Stage 3 placenta delivery:
In this stage, the baby goes out after that the
placenta will go out that causing the mother to relieve her tiredness when
starts to see her baby between her hands.
At this stage, the contraction and pain are still
there but less than before, and may be asked the mother to push for delivering
the placenta. The health care professionals will make sure that the placenta
goes fully out to prevent bleeding with help of abdominal massage
This time there are struggles for the mother but with
support, this period can be a wonderful period in time when the mother feels
the baby kicks and life is growing in her body this can cause her to forget all
suffer and hard times faced.