Bullying is a very serious problem if not managed and identified as
early as possible. This can cause serious health problems for the
victim and will affect him all his life. So, cooperation from the
parents, schools, and health care professionals can prevent this to
happen and support
the person from bullying.
Bullying is defined as behavior that is unwanted and
aggressive within school-aged children that can cause harm to the person and
even affect his behaviors in all his life.
Types of bullying:
There are many types of bullying that are as
1- Verbal bullying that can include teasing, threatening to
cause harm, and even inappropriate comments.
2- Physical bullying includes hurting the person’s body by
pushing, kicking, pinching, or even breaking someone’s things.
3- Social bullying that includes the relationship by leaving
someone out with purpose, telling others to not play or share
with this person,
and embarrassing someone in public.
The effect of bullying on the person:
Bullying can affect negatively a person and can
affect him all his life. The person can be:
1- Stressed, and depressed about the other person affect him in
his life.
2- Can cause the person to have suicidal thoughts and can hurt
3- Cause trouble in his school work
4- Cause problems in his mood, sleep, and appetite.
5- Causes the affected person to be angry with everybody and preferred
to be isolated.
The solution:
The solution to this problem is as follows:
1- Tell the adult person that you trusted like your teachers,
parents, and coaches.
2- Ignore the bullying person and walk away which causes him
that you don’t care.
3- Try to talk to the bully person that his behavior is hurting
you and affecting you.
4- Find your true friend that can support you in any situation you
5- Stand for others who are being bullied and support them.
6- If the school has a bullying prevention program try to join
it so that you can find many people supporting others.
7- If the school has a counsellor, try to take to him and your
suffers so that he can guide and support you.
In conclusion, bullying is harmful to the person and effect negatively
on the person’s life in the present and future. This can cause them to
be socially isolated and angry with the bully person. Good education
related to this issue must be in public and in the schools that can
support the people against this harmful behaviour.