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general health - الصحة العامه

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general health - الصحة العامه
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Carbohydrate is very important to our health. It’s located at the base

 of the food pyramid and the human body needs energy that is around

 60 to 70% from the diet. Carbohydrates can be found in glucose,

 sucrose, fructose, and so on.


Carbohydrates can be classified into:

1-    Monosaccharaides contain simple sugar like glucose, and fructose,

     the characteristic of it is the building block of carbohydrates, contain

     simple sugar and it’s without color, crystalline solid, and water-


2-    Disaccharides like lactose, maltose, and sucrose. This type is

      characterized as double sugar which means two simple sugars

       joined by glycosidic linkage, also it’s soluble in the water.

3-    Polysaccharides like starch, cellulose, and glycogen. This type is

      characterized as long-chain carbohydrates that simple sugars are

       bound together with glycosidic linkages.

 The importance of carbohydrates:

Carbohydrates are important to our body’s health and the main

   energy source is from carbohydrates. It provides all body vital

  organs with energy and power. If the body starves from

   carbohydrates the person can feel the following symptoms:

1-    Headache

2-    Tired and fatigue.

3-    Constipation and nausea.

4-    Loss of vitamins and minerals.

Also, carbohydrates can protect the body from some diseases, the

  whole grains and fibres can reduce the risk of heart diseases and

  stroke. Moreover, can protect against obesity, cancer of the GI

  system, and type 2 diabetes.

Some researchers found that carbohydrates can control the body

  weight when eating whole grains that contain fibres that help the

 body to feel full and control the calories.


From where you can get healthy carbohydrates:

The healthy carbohydrates can be found in whole grains that can be

 found in quinoa, barley, oats, whole grain pasta, and cereals. Also, in

fruits and starchy vegetables like apples, pears, bananas, corn peas,

 carrots, and sweet potatoes. Moreover, carbohydrates can be found

 in milk products like low- fat milk, and plain yogurt. The legumes

also contain carbohydrates like black beans, chickpeas, and

 soybeans; nonstarchy vegetables like spinach, cabbage, tomatoes,

 cucumbers, and mushrooms also contain carbohydrates with nuts

 and seeds like sunflower seeds, almonds, and peanuts.


Create healthy diet plate:

healthy plate



According to the healthy diet plate, the carbohydrates took up ¼ of

 the plate. That the body needs 1500 calories per day and must get 45

 to 65 percent of the calories from carbohydrates according to

 Dietary Guideline for Americans 2010 if you are a normal person.

For pregnant and breastfeeding mothers the calories increased from

 1500 to 2000 calories per day.

And for patients, the calories must be reduced to keep them in good



Carbohydrates are important to our body’s health and to do our daily

 life activities in a safe and good way. The healthy plate is an easy

 way to understand how much the body needs carbohydrates per day,

 this can help our vital organs to be healthy and do their work


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health and safer population


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