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The human body required nutrition that helps in good health and sustains in life.

 There are some micronutrients that the body needs which are protein, fat, and

 carbohydrates. The micronutrients provide the body with energy and calories. The

 person’s body makes up about 15% of proteins. The protein is found in muscles,

 bones, skin, hair, and vital organ tissues in the body. Moreover, in the blood vessels

 that carry oxygen. The building block of the protein is amino acids.




 Protein is defined as a micronutrient that is important for the human body to build

 muscle and bones that can be found in animal products or plants like nuts and



The body requirements of proteins:


According to the National Academy of Medicine advised that the human being needs

 from 10 to 35 percent of protein calories each day to be in good health.


The sources of proteins

There are many sources of proteins like eggs, casseroles, and mashed potatoes that

 contain high proteins. Also, nuts, seeds, beans, and chickpeas are sources of proteins

 in plants. Meat, chicken, fish, and all dairy products can be a source of proteins. Some

 vegetables and fruits contain proteins like corn, broccoli, asparagus, and artichokes.


The importance of protein to the body:

Protein is important to the human body for many reasons the protein is the main

 element for building bones, muscles, cartilage, and skin. Also, it’s helping the body to

 repair tissues. Moreover, the protein is composed of red blood cells that oxygen

 compound to a protein that supplies the oxygen to all body. Related to the digestive

 system the protein helps in making enzymes that digest the food.

The protein also can help in speedy recovery from injury, low muscle loss, maintaining

 a healthy weight, and reducing hunger.


healthy diet plate: 

healthy plate

For a healthy life, the plate must contain protein that shows less than ¼ of the plate by

 eating fish, meat, eggs, or beans. Also, some protein can be content of dairy products

 that show less than ¼ in the healthy plate. By following a healthy plate the human

 being can know how much protein he must eat daily.



Protein is important to the health of the human being. By using a healthy plate the

 person easily understands how much protein can take daily for his health status. The

 number of calories can be different in each age stage, but following healthy life can

 increase life expectancy and be in good health.


health and safer population


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