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Breast cancer awareness and prevention


Breast cancer awareness and prevention


Breast cancer is the main cause of death among women, because of no knowledge or ignoring the symptoms, and daniel the seriousness of the problem. Each woman must take care of herself and understand the importance of check-ups to prevent the disease from occurring or identify the disease in the early stage that can be treated. Each year all countries celebrate breast cancer awareness in the month of October and increase awareness of the disease.

breast cancer

The sign and symptoms of breast cancer:  

The sign and symptoms of breast cancer as follows:

1-  The breast size and shape changed

2-  Painful breast area and increased with touching

3-  The nipple can have unusual milk discharge with blood

4-  The development of lump underarm pit

The risk factors of breast cancer:

There are many risk factors that are modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors.

The nonmodifiable risk factors are:

1-  Women are more susceptible to have the disease than men.

2-  The age of the women that being older than 50 years

3-  Hereditary and genetic factors.

4-  Having a history of breast cancer

The modifiable risk factors:


1-  Being obese or overweight.

2-  Low activity and exercise

3-  Not breastfeeding the baby

4-  Eating non-healthy diet

5-  Smoking and alcohol consumption

6-  Taking birth control medications  


Prevention of breast cancer:

There are many ways to prevent the occurrence of breast cancer mainly the modifiable risk factors must be managed and prevented.

1-   Maintain a healthy weight and check the weight regularly

2-   Be active physically and exercise regularly

3-   Eat a healthy diet with increased fruits and vegetables also the anti-oxidant diet is helpful in reducing the risk of breast cancer.

4-   Stop smoking and alcohol consumption

5-   If you delivered breastfeed the baby and don’t use artificial milk

6-   Avoid taking birth control medication that affects the body’s hormones and can cause breast cancer

7-   Regular check-ups and doing mammograms can reduce the risk of breast cancer or early recognition of the disease.

The treatment of breast cancer:

Mostly the treatment of breast cancer in early recognition that the removal of the limp by surgery. But there were many types of treatments used for breast cancer that was:

1-  Chemotherapy using anti-cancer medications to kill the carcinoma cells

2-  Radiotherapy by using radiation to minimize the size of the cancer cells and destroy it.

3-  Hormonal treatment that can affect the cancer cells

4-  Targeted therapy for the targeted cancerous cells

These therapies have been used for the treatment of breast cancer but in this stage of therapy, the patient may need psychological support because of hard treatment.



In conclusion, breast cancer disease is a disease that can cause many physical, psychological, and physiological impacts on the human being so prevention is better than cure and early recognition is better than late identification. If the person has been affected, all people around the patient must support him during this period.


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