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The Miracle of the Human Brain


The Miracle of the Human Brain


The important part of the human body that contains the center of all nerves and coordination commands and hormones came from the brain. The brain is part of the central nervous system with the spinal cord that creates and moves the impulses and the hormones coordination for human life and wellbeing. The brain consists of parts; each part is responsible for a certain task in the body. Even there were parts of the brain responsible for hormonal production and management of other hormones in humans. Moreover, the research studies on the human brain and identifies the difference between genders thinking and the brain development of each gender that affect behavior, understanding, and attitudes.

As the brain consists of 60% of fat and 40% of water, carbohydrates, proteins, and salts.


Parts of the human brain and functions:

There were many parts of the brain and each part is responsible for a certain function to be done.   

The frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal, occipital lobe (cerebrum):

This brain part is the largest part that contains frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, and occipital lobe. The function of the cerebrum is movement coordination with temperature regulation, speech, critical thinking and judgment with problem-solving, learning with short-term memory, and senses of vision, hearing, and touch.


The brainstem part of the brain located in the middle of the brain connects the cerebrum with the spinal cord and contains three parts:

1-          The midbrain’s complex structure and function involve hearing, movements, and coordination.

2-          The pons involves twelve cranial nerves that are responsible for chewing, focusing, vision, balance, hearing, and facial expressions.

3-          The medulla is located at the bottom of the brain stem and meets with the spinal cord. The function of the medulla is the regulation of body activities like heart beats and rhythms, breathing, oxygen and CO2 levels in the blood, coughing, sneezing, and swallowing.


The cerebellum is located in the back side of the brain and the function of the cerebellum is muscle movements with coordination and posture maintenance, equilibrium with balance, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Also, the occipital lobes are responsible for vision.

The nervous system in the brain:

The brain consists of many nerves and neurons that are composed of white matter and gray matter that send and receive messages from the body when feeling pain or anxiety. 

Cranial nerves of the brain:

The brain consists of twelve cranial nerves that each nerve is responsible for sending and receiving messages into or out of the body that are: 

1-          The olfactory nerve is the cranial nerve 1 that is responsible for the sense of smell.

2-          The optic nerve that responsible for eyesight and its 2nd cranial nerve.

3-          The oculomotor nerve is the 3rd cranial nerve responsible for pupil control and eye motions.

4-          The trochlear nerve is the 4th cranial nerve responsible for muscle control of the eyes.

5-          The trigeminal nerve is the largest cranial nerve and is the 5th cranial nerve responsible for the sensation of the scalp, jaw, teeth, mouth, and face.

6-          The abducens nerve is the 6th cranial nerve responsible for eye muscles.

7-           The facial nerve is responsible for the movement of the face, taste, and glandular and it’s the 7th cranial nerve.

8-          The vestibulocochlear nerve is the 8th cranial nerve is responsible for hearing and balance.

9-          The glossopharyngeal nerve is the 9th cranial nerve and is responsible for movements of the throat, and taste.

10-    The vagus nerve is responsible for the sensation of the digestive system and motor activity control of the heart, and throat, with the digestive system and its 10th cranial nerve

11-    The accessory nerve is the 11th cranial nerve that is responsible for the movements of the head, neck, and shoulder muscles.

12-     The hypoglossal nerve is responsible for tongue motor activity and it’s the 12th cranial nerve.




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