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When starting summer, because of extreme hot many conditions like nose bleeding (epistaxis), skin sunburn, and heatstroke can appear. The condition of nose bleeding has already been discussed and explained for more information you can visit the blog page:


heatstroke is a serious problem and can be life-threatening if not managed immediately. Heatstroke is a condition that happened when prolonged standing or physical exertion in the sun causes the body to increase its temperature above 40°C causes the body to lose fluid and overexertion. If the condition is not treated immediately can cause organ damage to the brain, heart, muscles, and kidneys.

Causes of heatstroke:

The heatstroke occurs when the body can’t cool down by itself the temperature of the body increases to 40°C or more. The responsibility of the hypothalamus is part of the brain to regulate body temperature. The body takes more heat, which affects the brain and vital organs, causing the hypothalamus not to work properly and can’t cool the body, which can lead to coma if not managed properly.

Signs and symptoms:

The signs and symptoms of heatstroke are as follows:

1-     The body will increase the temperature to 40°C which is the first sign the person can feel flushed skin

2-     The body compensates for the increased temperature by producing more sweat to reduce temperature.

3-     Because of more sweat the body will be dehydrated causing organ problems like

·        For the brain the person can be having headaches, be confused, irritable, have seizures, and become comatose.

·        For the stomach the person can feel nausea and vomiting

·        For the lungs breathing will increase and become rapid

·        For the heart the beat and pulse will be increased

·        In general, the patient feels very tired, thirsty, has muscle cramps, and weakness.

These signs and symptoms need immediate management and emergency care that can cause death.


The complications of heatstroke:

The complications of heatstroke as its damages the vital organs that can cause the following:

1-     Effect on the respiratory system and can cause acute respiratory distress syndrome.

2-     The brain can be damaged and swelling

3-     The kidney and liver damage cause kidney and liver failure.

4-     Stomach upset and cause metabolic dysfunction.

5-     Damage in nerves and effects on sensory and motor function

6-     The blood flow will reduce and can’t reach the heart properly causing circulatory problems.

Because of complications of heatstroke, the management must be fast and quick to reduce the chance of organ damage.


Emergency management of heatstroke:

The heatstroke must be managed quickly because of damage to vital organs  and death so the emergency management are:

1-     Move the person who has heatstroke into the shade or indoor

2-     Remove extra clothes or clothes that cause heat and the person must wear light clothes.

3-     Cool the affected person with a cool shower, spraying with cool water, wet towels with cool water, and putting it on the person’s body like the head, neck, armpits, and groin areas.

4-     If the person is conscious let him drink water because of loss of fluid and dehydration.

5-     Take the person to the nearest emergency for further management.

When the patient arrived to the hospital the doctor will order to do blood tests and urine tests to identify the organ damaged and the severity of the heatstroke and will order to:

1-     Give the patient intravenous fluid for rehydration.

2-     Ice bath to cool the body

3-     Medications to prevent convulsions. and seizures

4-     Oxygen therapy to improve oxygenation and blood circulation


Prevention of heatstroke:

The heatstroke can be prevented by:

1-     Drinking more water especially if working and doing exercises.

2-     Wear light clothes especially in summer because can cause excessive loss of water from the body.

3-     Avoid going to sun and heat in summer especially from 11 am to 3 pm

4-     Avoid exhaustive and vigorous exercises.






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