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Effectiveness of teaching program on prevention of decubitus ulcer


Effectiveness of teaching program on prevention of decubitus ulcer 


The health status of the elderly was most important and they were considered a vulnerable group that needs help and support in their life. they can face many struggles physically, physiologically, socially, and mentally. these effects cause the elderly to be isolated or stressed with their life and the support system plays an important role to provide care and support to the elderly. One of the main problems the elderly may face if he is bedridden were decubitus ulcers. So the caregivers need some guidance and understanding of what the elderly may face in this stage of life especially physical problems like bedsores. This research study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of home caregivers' teaching program on the prevention of decubitus ulcers in bedridden elderly patients, Ras Al-Khaimah.


Due to conditions connected to their health status, advancing age, and decreasing susceptibility, the elderly are more susceptible to sickness. Due to a variety of health issues, they become immobile and may develop consequences such as decubitus ulcers. This causes them to be stressed and frustrated in their lives, so the caregivers play an important role in supporting the elderly physically, physiologically, socially, and mentally. 


The purpose of this study was to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of home caregivers' teaching programs in the prevention of decubitus ulcers. 


 The research was conducted in a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest format. Caregivers of 160 patients from Ras Al Khaimah medical center (80 patients) and Julphar health center (40 patients) were included in the study ( 80 patients). The study's sample consisted of 50 elderly patient carers (25 from each location), chosen via convenience sampling. Caregivers received training on how to care for bedridden elderly people at home. The data was gathered by administering a pre-and post-test. 


The study's findings revealed that the majority of the caregivers were employed Arabic-speaking uneducated females with no health difficulties. The majority of the older patients were on oral feeds, had incontinence issues, and had hypertension, diabetes, a stroke, and sleep issues. The majority (74%) of home carers had poor (45%) and very poor (29%) understanding of decubitus ulcer prevention, however, the post-test results showed that all caregivers had excellent (85%), very good (13%) and good (2%) knowledge. The results showed that the teaching program for home care providers on preventing decubitus ulcers in bedridden senior patients was highly significant (p=0.000). 


In conclusion, the health education that has been given to the caregivers was effective and caused them to provide better and good quality of care to the elderly bedridden patients at home. read more


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