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general health - الصحة العامه
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Bronchial asthma


Bronchial asthma


Bronchial asthma is a type of chronic disease that is affecting the respiratory tract causing it to be constructed. This cause the air entry to the lungs to be difficult causing the person to be gasping for air the sound that comes from a patient is called a wizzes sound because of the construction in the airway tract. This disease is spread all over the world and is more common in areas with dust or with more air pollution. Moreover, some of the persons have genetic problems that cause them to have bronchial asthma. This disease can appear at any age of human life.

The signs and symptoms of asthma attacks :

        The patient may suffer from severe coughing, at night time, early morning, or when doing exercises.

        Short breathes with force.

        Tightness of the chest and severe pain.

        The patient can suffer from difficulty in talking or even walking.

        The bluish discoloration of the skin due to lack of oxygen. 


Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease and condition that must be carefully treated and managed, also it can cause life-threatening situations because of decreased oxygen in the human body and lead to the death of the human living cells.

The treatment for asthma attack is as follows:

In the emergency situation, the patient can immediately go to the emergency room where the patient will be in a high fowler or sitting position and the bronchial asthma medication will be provided as inhalation by face mask called nebulizer to the patient as the doctor ordered.

In severe cases, the doctor will order some intravenous medications like steroids and some biological therapy that can reduce the spasm airways

how to give nebulization at home: 

 u Gather equipment.

u Check each medication order against the original physician’s order according to agency policy.

u Know the action and special nursing consideration safe dose purpose and adverse effect of the medication

u Check the patient’s chart for allergies.

u Perform hand hygiene and put on gloves as indicated.

u Prepare medication recheck the label with (MAR)( 3 checks) and follow patient rights( 11 rights)

u Prepare medication for one patient at time.

u Read MAR and select proper medication

u Compare the label with MAR , check expiration date

u Use 3 times check and 11 rights of the patient

u Transport medication to patient side carefully .

u Provide privacy , identify the patient by 2 identifier, complete necessary assessment for patient

u Explain the purpose and action of medication to the patient

u Remove nebulization cup from device and open it

u Place premeasured unit dose medication in the bottom section of the cup

u Use dropper to place concentrated dose of medication in the cup and add prescribed diluent if required

u Screw the top portion of the nebulizer cup back in place and attach the cup to the nebulizer

u Attach one end of the tubing to the stem on the bottom of nebulizer cuff and other end with air compressor

u Turn on air compressor or oxygen

u Check that a fine medication mist is produced by opening the valve.

u Have patient place nebulization mask to be in place in his face or if mouth peace used let patient to put mouth piece around his mouth and grasp securely with teeth and lips

u Instruct patient to inhale slowly and deeply through mouth and hold each breath slightly before exhalation

u Continue to inhale until medication finished from the cup around 15 minutes

u Let the patient to gurgle with water after finishing

u Clean nebulizer according to manufacturer

u Reassess the lung sounds oxygen saturation respiration

u Remove gloves and perform hand hygiene

u Document the procedure and patient health assessment and medication used and time 

Special instruction :

u The patient should be comfortable and sitting upright where possible.

u The patient should avoid talking as this reduces the efficiency of drug delivery.

u It is important that the nebulizer chamber remains upright at all times.

u The nebulizer will never run dry due to the residual volume.

u Dependent upon the drug and nebulizer, up to 80% of the total dose is administered within the first five minutes of delivery.

u Nebulizer chambers should be washed after each use and dried immediately.

u  Nebulizer chambers, masks and tubing are single patient use only and should be discarded when nebulizer therapy is discontinued.

u In this instance ensure the patient wears the mask tightly and is aware of the risk.

Prevention of asthma:

There were as previously mentioned the modifiable risk factors and nonmodifiable risk factors, the modifiable risk factors can be prevented so the patient can reduce the attack symptoms like:

1-     The patient can reduce his weight to reduce the chances of an asthma attack.

2-     Stop smoking or sitting beside smoker persons

3-     Remove the carpets from the home and always clean the furniture of the home to reduce the dust that can trigger asthma attacks.

4-     Don’t allow the pits to enter the home because their hair can trigger asthma attacks.

5-     Moving away from industrial parts, because industrial smoke can trigger asthma attacks.

Reduce the uses of chemicals and detergents that may cause increase the chance to 

1-     have attacks.


Bronchial asthma is a type of chronic disease that must be critically taken care or it can cause death. This disease can have mild symptoms to severe symptoms that need emergency care, so health education for the family related to asthma attacks can prevent severe complications. Moreover, the family whose having a person or child suffering from asthma can have a nebulizer machine at home with follow-up from health care providers the family can manage the disease at home before the disease becomes worse. Because of that collaboration between family, health care professionals, and doctors can manage the occurrence of the disease at home.

عن الكاتب

health and safer population


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